Monday 2 May 2011

The Webpage

       Final Product

As oppose to the main production of the music video and one half of the ancillary task- the album cover, I tried to stick to my plan more accurately. Where I had more time to explore the programmes ‘Photoshop’ and unlimited editing time working with ‘Final Pro Cut’ I could afford to subtract some areas of my plan and put in new things that I discovered post planning. However, I left the production of my webpage to the allocated time of just under a week; this meant I had to stick to my thorough and well structured plan. Because of this, I felt it was important to incorporate most, if not all of the ideas mentioned. Thus, the final product does not differ too much away from the original concept. The only change made was the ‘Sign Up Fans’ box; this does not appear in my final product as does not have this installed in their content. Alternatively, I tried to find a Fans box from a real artist website, but their style did not fit my theme.  

My artist’s values are reinforced in all three media texts of the main video and the ancillary tasks. I felt it was important to consistently remind the audience, new and existing fans that my debut artist is who she presents herself to be. With the continually evolving music world an artist can change with the fashion, but should always keep their values and beliefs consistent if they wish to create a loyal fan base. I learnt this from the nine inch nails case study, where the band have existed for over a decade, this must be as a result of consistency. In particular, the webpage reinforces my artist’s belief that music is her passion and her number one priority. This is shown by the several pictures of AbbieSinger performing at gigs with her guitar and the website allows users to listen to her debut song, The Awakening as soon as they enter.

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