Monday 2 May 2011

Producing the Webpage

Originally, I was tutored by an IT teacher on using Dreamweaver to create my webpage. At first I thought this would be easy to use, after all basic instructions are easy to follow. However when it came to me doing it alone at home, the format was too confusing. Sometimes having too many options can be a hindrance rather than a help. My Media teacher advised us to use an alternative website if this was the case. This is when I discovered Create & Design free website and Flash Web Content ( a simple online website that allows you to easily create what should be a difficult concept: a website!

DREAMWEAVER was too difficult!!
I attempted to use Dreamweaver before I switched to Wix, but the structure of the programme is less flexible than Wix. I think this is mostly because Wix allows you to use a template to structure your ideas, whereas Dreamweaver relies entirely on you creating your own boxes and template. Furthermore, Wix looks more media friendly; the online format uses colours and helpful tutorials to guide you through the process of creating a website whereas Dreamweaver confuses a new user with embedding codes and splits. All I wanted to do was make a webpage; perhaps in the future with more experience, I will be more appreciative of these extras.

So I used Wix instead: so much friendlier and flexible!!

What I like best about is the high level of interactivity it allows the audience to have with the webpage. When the picture in the moving slide show is clicked it enlarges and pops out, this allows the audience to physically get and therefore feel closer to the artist and it enhances the quality of the pictures.

Out of the two, I would most likely use in the future!

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